Bruno Alfonsi - CEO, Head of Business Operations Co-founder
40 Years working in the Bio-pharmaceutical Industry and in particular in the vaccines field, covering different positions from International Marketing & Sales to Business development and Site General Management.
Wide knowledge of global Vaccine manufacturers panorama and of worldwide biopharmaceuticals market.
Experience of JVs set-up, acquisitions, in and out licensing of products and projects, organization of sales and distribution networks in various countries, start-up of new Companies or business units, General management, Business and risk assessment.
Among the main positions, Director Asia-Pacific Region Sclavo SpA, Vice President Chiron Vaccines, Head of InternationaL Commercial Operations, Senior Executive Novartis Vaccines Business and Strategic Development.
Bruno Alfonsi obtained Natural Sciences and Biology degrees in 1976 at the University of Siena and a MBO in Business Administration.Dario Cresci - Head of Manufacturing & Technical Operations Co-founder
Independent Consultant since 2015, after over 30 years of experience in both Pharma and Biological Companies, with expertise in Secondary Manufacturing and Management of quite big Teams (500+ Employees).
Former positions include Production Manager in Pharma, then QP and Vice-President for a Vaccine Company in Italy.
Technical and managerial experiences all over the world, including setting up the first Injectables Plant in Lebanon, Site Director then COO of the first Vaccine Company in Thailand, actively contributing to the construction of the Secondary Manufacturing Site and currently serving in the Scientific Advisory Board.
Qualified Consultant within DCVMN (Developing Countries Vaccine Manufacturing Network) with consulting assignments in several Countries including among the others South Korea, Pakistan and Argentina.
Dario Francesco Cresci received a degree in Pharmaceutical Chemistry in Milan University, Italy.Elena Gianchecchi - Head of Project
More than 7 years working in the vaccine field, covering different positions from Scientist to Quality Control Manager (current position) in VisMederi.
Experience in the management of pre-clinical and clinical trial studies and evaluation of vaccine immunogenicity, especially SARS-CoV-2, influenza and meningococcal vaccines.
Collaborations with research institutes since 2012, publishing more than 30 scientific publications on international journals regarding infectious diseases, vaccinations and autoimmunity and first author in most of them.
Faculty member of the Master Program in Vaccinology and Drug Development, Institute for Global Health, University of Siena.
Biologist with a PhD, Doctor Europaeus, in Biomedicine and Immunological Science executed through a collaboration between University of Siena (Italy) and Erlangen-Nuremberg University (Germany) and a Postdoc executed in the Autoimmunity Laboratory of Bambino Gesù Children’s Hospital IRCCS (Vatican City State, Rome, Italy)
Emanuele Montomoli - Head of Research & Scientific Affairs Co-founder Founder of VisMederi
Emanuele Montomoli is Full Professor of Hygiene and Public Health at the University of Siena, Italy. He received his BSc and MSc in Life Sciences from the University of Siena, Italy in 1997 and he earned his MBiochem in 2001.
His research interests are primarily in the field of influenza vaccines, and in particular in the study of correlates of protection. He is an expert in the development, standardization and validation of assays for antibody detection. He has conducted many clinical and laboratory research studies to evaluate immunogenicity and efficacy of traditional and new influenza vaccines. Recently, he has participated in protocols for the development and evaluation of new molecules as adjuvants. He has also undertook planning and execution of European seroepidemiological studies for emerging infectious diseases in collaboration with WHO Regional Office and eCDC.
In 2012, he was appointed in the Scientific Advisory Board of international Society for Influenza and other Respiratory Viral Diseases (ISIRV).
In 2015, he became Scientific Coordinator for a European IMI (Innovative Medicine Initiative) Project titled “Standardization and development of assays for assessment of influenza vaccine correlates of protection (FLUCOP)” (IMI-JU-10-2013-01, Grant Agreement No 115672).
He has organized the 1st, 2nd and 3rd editions of the Summer School on Influenza in Siena with the support of ISIRV.
Over the years, he has published almost 70 scientific papers and reviews, and written several chapters in textbooks.
In VisMederi, he is in charge with the position of Chief Scientific Officer and not executive Paletti - Head of Financial Office
He studied Business Administration at the Faculty of Economics “Richard M. Goodwin” in Siena, earning his Bachelor’s Degree with a thesis on International Accounting, research theme on methodological aspects and problems of the adoption of IAS / IFRS Accounting Standards for SMEs. While studying Management and Governance at the Department of Business and Legal Studies at the University of Siena, he gained experience on the field in a Business Consultant Studio. He obtained his Master’s Degree with a graduation thesis on the business model that characterizes the start-up phase of companies in the Life Sciences cluster.
Jane Spiegel - Head of Regulatory Affairs & Compliance Co-founder
Since more than 15 years, independent consultant to the biopharmaceutical industry, providing scientific and regulatory expertise on all matters related to manufacture and licensing of biopharmaceutical products.
Former positions included Scientific Officer, Certification Unit, at EDQM (European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines), Council of Europe, Strasbourg, France; Senior Regulatory Associate at Genetics Institute GmbH, Munich (Martinsried), Germany; Regulatory Compliance Manager at Chiron Vaccines, Siena, Italy.
Included in the list of External Experts (“Personnalités compétentes”) of the AFSSA (French Food Safety Agency), with respect to the Specialised Expert Committee on the Transmissible Sub-acute Spongiform Encephalopathies in 2004 and 2006. Included in the EFSA (European Food Safety Authority) Expert Database in 2009. Included in Database of experts of the European Commission for scientific risk assessments in 2013.
Jane Spiegel received a BSc in Chemical Engineering in 1972 at Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Paris (Paris University) and a MSc in Organic Chemistry in 1974 and a PhD in Biochemistry in 1975 at Ecole Normale Supérieure (Paris University).Simonetta Viviani - Head of Clinical Development & Medical Affairs. Co-founder
Dr. Viviani was an independent scientific advisor in vaccine development, epidemiology and public health with collaborations with several vaccine manufacturer companies as well as with public institutions and non-profit organizations. She was Associated VP, Head of the Dengue Vaccine Clinical Development Program at Sanofi Pasteur and Director of Vaccine Development at the Meningitis Vaccine Project. She has served as clinical research and medical affairs manager for combined pediatric vaccines, Flu and HIV vaccines, at Berna Biotech in Bern, Switzerland, and as medical director at Etna Biotech in Catania, Italy. In addition she was also associate director of the clinical research department at Chiron Vaccines in Siena, Italy. She served at the International Agency for Research on Cancer (a WHO agency) as an epidemiologist attached to The Gambia Hepatitis Intervention Study. Dr Viviani has been a consultant in public health and epidemiology for the Department of Public Health in Florence, Italy, and has collaborated with the Istituto Superiore di Sanità on surveillance of communicable and vaccine preventable diseases. She has worked in public health and epidemiology projects in African and South American countries. She has also experience as a family doctor in the rural areas of Tuscany Region, Italy. She has served as advisor for the International Agency for Research on Cancer, for the Initiative for Vaccine Research Department at WHO, Geneva, and for Médecins sans Frontières, Access to Essential Medicines Campaign, Geneva, Switzerland. Dr Viviani has extensive experience in public health, infectious diseases epidemiology, clinical research and vaccine development of several vaccines and has published in these fields.
Simonetta Viviani received a Medicine and Surgery Degree from Siena University, Italy, as well as postgraduate degrees in Preventive Medicine & Public Health and Preventive Medicine & Laboratory. She holds a two-year postgraduate training degree in Field Epidemiology awarded jointly by CDC, Atlanta, USA, and the Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Rome, Italy.